Dress for Success
The purpose of the school uniform is to promote neatness, discipline, a sense of school identity, and to provide an atmosphere of learning that is free from emphasis on clothing.
The enforcement of the dress code is a joint responsibility of parents, students, teachers and administrator. Parents must see that children leave the house properly attired. Teachers and the administrator must see that students follow the uniform policy.
Failure to follow the uniform policy will result in violations and detentions. On certain occasions, the student will not be permitted to attend class until the dress code infraction is corrected.
Since this handbook cannot make provisions for the continual changing of fads in dress, the school administration reserves the right to decide what is acceptable and appropriate.
General Dress Code Rules
- Hair should be kept clean, properly styled and of a natural color. Hair dyed colors such as red, blue, green, or purple will not be permitted.
- Boys’ hair may not touch the collar in the back, should not be over the eyes, and should not be below the ears on the side.
- Hairstyles bordering on the extreme will not be permitted. Administration reserves the right to determine what is extreme.
- Girls may only wear simple headbands with no adornments, such as cat ears.
- Solid color means all one color on the entire item. No contrasting color or stripes on body, sleeves, or collar.
- All parts of the uniform are to be neat, clean, and fit appropriately. NO OVER-SIZED CLOTHING.
- Neither coats nor non-school sweatshirts are to be worn in the classroom.
- Dress code is to be followed at all times during the school day.
- Label all clothing with the child’s name.
- A plain white t-shirt may be worn under polos or turtlenecks.
- Solid red, white, or navy long-sleeved, form-fitting shirts may be worn under short-sleeved polos during cold weather.
Make-Up & Jewelry: No make-up is allowed for girls younger than 7th grade. When a student arrives with make-up, teachers may ask the student to remove it. Girls are allowed to wear fingernail polish but it must not be distracting. Fake nails will not be permitted. Girls’ jewelry is limited to appropriate small pierced earrings (post type, no hoops) in lower ear, rings, religious necklaces and watches. Boys’ jewelry is limited to rings, religious necklaces and watches. No earrings for boys. Apple watches will not be permitted.
Pants and Shorts: The uniform pants and shorts are navy blue or tan khaki. No jeans, corduroy or sports pants with pockets on the outside may be worn. Pants must have belt loops and a belt must be worn at all times, even if a fleece is worn (simple belts with buckles only – nothing overly decorative). No cargo, carpenter, lycra material, or low-cut pants are allowed. Shorts may be worn with or without cuffs. Shorts should be an appropriate length and a final decision is at the principal’s discretion. Very short shorts are not appropriate and will not be acceptable.
Shirts/Blouses: Solid colors of red, white and navy blue are allowed. Shirts/Blouses must have a collar, may be either long or short sleeved and be made of appropriate fabric. No sheer material or tight-fitting tops are acceptable. Only the top button of the buttoned shirt may be unbuttoned. Shirts must be tucked in. NO TRANSFERS OR LETTERING OF ANY KIND IS ACCEPTABLE. Turtlenecks may be worn. Turtlenecks must also be in white, red or navy blue. Plain undershirts may be worn under acceptable uniform shirts. Form-fitting, long-sleeved shirts may be worn under short-sleeved polos for added warmth.
Shoes: For students in grades K-3, shoes must be athletic. No sandals of any type may be worn unless a temporary medical reason exists. No crocs, boots, moccasins, slippers, etc will be allowed. Light up shoes are strongly discouraged. For students in grades 4-8, tennis shoes are suggested. No sandals, crocs, boots, or slippers will be allowed.
Sweaters: Solid white, red, navy blue cardigans or pullovers may be worn. Monogramming and manufacturer’s logo are permitted. Uniform shirts must always be worn under the sweater.
Non-uniform jackets and sweatshirts: Non-uniform jackets and sweatshirts may be worn outside for recess but will not be permitted in the classroom. These items will remain in student lockers during the school day.
Uniform sweatshirts, fleeces and track jackets: The black or red sweatshirts, fleeces or, track jackets purchased through the annual school spirit sale will be allowed in the classroom and at church. Solid red or black sweatshirts may be worn. No other black sweatshirt, fleeces, or jackets will be permitted in classes or at church.
Socks: Socks must be worn and visible. Socks should be solid white, red, navy or black. No pantyhose.
Alternate Dress: Free or alternate dress will be scheduled the Friday following a PTO meeting for students of parents who attend the PTO meeting. Other occasions may also be used infrequently. Dress will still need to be appropriate in style and length for school. Socks and shoes must be worn and must meet the dress code.
Students may NOT wear the following: shirts with inappropriate wording or pictures, sleeveless shirts, tank tops, or short-shorts, pants or jeans with holes in them. Torsos must not be exposed.
Spirit Dress: Holy Redeemer Catholic School Spirit Day will take place every Monday unless noted for a special event. Only Holy Redeemer School shirts or solid red, white, or black shirts may be worn since this is a spirit day to honor our school. Only uniform shorts, uniform pants or jeans may be worn with spirit shirts.