Pre-School Curriculum Organization:
Weekly Themes:
The Holy Redeemer curriculum is organized around weekly units and theme. These are selected on the basis of the childrens interests and need for Pre-Kindergarten and/or Kindergarten readiness. The following is a list of possible weekly units:
The Holy Redeemer curriculum is organized around weekly units and theme. These are selected on the basis of the childrens interests and need for Pre-Kindergarten and/or Kindergarten readiness. The following is a list of possible weekly units:
Weekly theme units:
I Am Special/Self Concept My Family My School Manners Colors Shapes Nursery Rhymes Autumn/Halloween Numbers Letters Aa-Zz Thanksgiving Christmas (Jesus’ Birthday) Holiday Celebrations (of other faiths) God’s Love |
Animal Winters Valentine’s Day Children of other Lands Oceans Community Helpers Spring/New Life Easter (Jesus’ Resurrection) Insects Planting Seasons Animals Earth/Environment Bible Stories |
Teachers in each classroom have the opportunity to choose their own topics based on the needs and interests of the children each year. They keep weekly calendars and/or file folders organized for each unit of study. Many manipulative's, books, and teacher’s supplies are also readily available for each theme. Teachers also keep updated daily lesson plan books for their current unit of study.